By researching literature on the web (via Google).
A desire to explore all topics related to business management in one easy to access database; and to support development of our employees by helping them develop their leadership and management skills.
At least once a month, but in some periods more often.
It does not present one particular point of view and one single recipe for the success, but presents a compilation of different theories, scientific studies and also gives lots of useful pointers for further reading (e.g. suggestions about books, articles, etc.). It also provides up to date information on the changes in the modern work environment or about new ways to tackle challenges in work place.
The Mind Tools Club has been an important companion and a valuable information source, especially within the constraints of a busy executive life. It is helping us also develop future leaders in our organization (we are just now planning to purchase subscriptions for several employees who recently got promoted to supervisory positions). As we do not have enough time for internal seminars and training on all topics or spend too much time attending external workshops, Mind Tools perfectly fits our needs and allows our team members to read materials in their own time and at a location of their choosing.
All areas are useful, but I most often read summaries on different topics, review and download templates for preparing meetings or documents and note literature references for following up on the topics that interest me, in more detail.
Do not hesitate - dive in all the way and enjoy the learning process. Although the website seems on the first look to be designed for supporting career development, the learning process never stops even for those who might have made it to the top.
Yes, definitely (and I already have).
To develop our organization to its maximum potential based on the principles of effective team work and spirit.
Regardless of which role and job position they wish to develop into, the soft skills and managerial skills are crucial to success. They should start developing these skills long before the first job offer. In fact, these skills will also help them manage their private lives much better. Skills such as managing conflict, giving balanced feedback, working well with others, making well informed decisions, are all extremely valuable in our every day life.